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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Shaws Cove

The day after I painted at Crescent Bay, I painted at Shaws Cove.  Shaws Cove is the next beach south from Crescent Bay.  When the tide is low enough you can walk around the rocks below the bluffs from one beach to the other.  From those rocks there have been several classic plein air paintings by the masters.  I will paint from those rocks but not this day.  I was afraid of getting stuck with all of my gear while the tide was coming in.

I was looking for more color than was there.  The last time I painted Shaws Cove the bluff looked flat and lifeless.  I was thinking about painting more and drawing less.  I am not sure how the colors are chosen, but it is never a question of what they will be.  I am seeing these colors, but I don't know how I am seeing these colors.  I can see the local colors, but I can also flip the switch and see these vibrant and saturated colors.
All of the colors are related to each other within the key that I choose.  The key is not so much chosen as it is felt.  The first color is the most important.  It sets the entire tone for the rest of the painting.  Every color is chosen in reaction to the first choice of color that I make.

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