Taking chances with your art is important to your growth as an artist. Changing your process, color, application, or subject are part of learning.
Clining to something is restrictive; even if you are accomplished with that thing.
Taking chances is part of the artistic fearlessness that I believe opens the door to greater expression.
This represents a change in my approach. I was painting without any texture.
I changed it up to solve the problem of how to paint detail without using a small brush.
I started putting down really thick paint layer after layer a d then sculpted the paint with knives and brushes.
I like trying to solve problems by adopting atypical approaches to my work.
Being able to let go and trust is essential to your ability to deepening expression.
It is ok to not know how your painting is going to turn out.
Experimentation is at the very core of creativity.
Taking chances is part of the artistic fearlessness that I believe opens the door to greater expression.
This represents a change in my approach. I was painting without any texture.
I changed it up to solve the problem of how to paint detail without using a small brush.
I started putting down really thick paint layer after layer a d then sculpted the paint with knives and brushes.
I also started paintings with the lightest values, worked to dark, and then scraped away to the lighte values-highlights
I like trying to solve problems by adopting atypical approaches to my work.
Being able to let go and trust is essential to your ability to deepening expression.
It is ok to not know how your painting is going to turn out.
What is the purpose of all that practice; if not to be able to trust your instincts?
New processes new results.