-Finish website X
-30 photo realistic graphite drawings.
-Enter 30 events: LPAPA Best of Plein Air, 8" squared,
-Clean and organize studio X
-Complete studio makeover
-Redo business cards X
-Marketing 15 % of art time
-Figure prints out for drawings
-start known contests events early
-paint smaller plein air for best of plein air
-The art of Orange County X entered did not get juried in
-Artichoke series
-Water / pool series
-Time lapse posting
-Learn new camera
-Organize completed artX
-Redo Shirt X
-Calendar on dry erase board X
-Note cards
-Underwater dog photography X
-Small acrylic ink for shop 10 strong images
-Get setup for Back Bay ShowX
-Get name plate for wall X
-July Muth hanging X
-You tube channel X started
-Quadruple art income for year. X
-Read 10 art books. In natures temple, Plein air Techniques
-Focus on increasing instagram following
-Increase painting skills in all media-10 things I am going to do to improve my skills 1-start thumbnails again, 2 -paint in oil en plein air 3 -start including figures in my art 4 -paint every day 5 -develop acrylic art skills 6 -continue to take plein air paintings out and develop them further than one session 7 -carry sketch pad and practice quick drawings of people 8-100 small oil paintings this year 9-develop paintings from my sketches 10-build stronger paintings through better composition and putting the paint down and leave it alone 11-
-Begin painting pastels in studio again
-Catalogue work
-Gallery representation X
-Bio for the backs of art X
-Start painting with oils plein air.X
-Review and update goals every 2 weeks
-Start Art Resume
-Start Newsletter
-Cards for artX
-Sketch book with me at all times and drawing figures
-How to start teaching private art classes learn and develop and begin process.
-Get faster at oil painting.X
-Begin process journal with notes small paintings and color notes to take ideas and turn them into paintings.
-Better video editing on Instagram videos
-Get sound figured out for videos
-Restart Pinterest engagement
-Get more involved with the CAC
-Join a pastel societyX
-Color charts
-Email list start. Mail chimp
-Cottage gallery-San Juan Capistrano mission paintings
-Crystal cove paintings and get into gallery
-Get into Laguna art.comX
-Update portfolio
-Eliminate black bars on videos posts on instagram.X
-Set up photo pages on phone easy access-portfolio. X
-Build body of work themed for solo show.
-Join OCFA and jury into their Showcase Gallery
-Set up room with STAS picture hanging as staging area for future shows.
-Paint San Clemente 2025
-Market to interior designers
-Change up framing for quorum gallery light maple
-repurpose framing maple
-Prepare for big wall at Quorum
-Plein air pastel rotation at Quorum
-Large Laguna oil paintings
-Get into Chemers gallery heart of Orange County
-Update portfolio